The Role Of Acid And Alkaline Substances Within The Body

Acid-Base Balance

When we talk about acid-base balance, we are referring to the pH balance (degree of acidity or alkalinity) of substances or of the body. The symbol pH is used after numbers that measure the degree of the acidity or alkalinity of solutions. The acidity or the alkalinity of a solution is determined by the number of hydrogen ions (H + ) it contains. The smaller the pH value of a solution; that is, the smaller the number preceding the symbol pH is, the greater is the acidity of that solution. Likewise, the larger the number in front of the symbol pH is, the greater is the alkalinity of the solution.
Any neutral solution, such as water, will have a pH value of 7.0. Solutions which have a pH value below 7.0 are acidic in nature. Solutions which have a pH value above 7.0 are considered to be alkaline, or basic.
The human body must continuously deal with many different substances in the bloodstream. Each substance has a range of concentration which can vary within certain limits without creating an imbalance of normal bodily functions. Certain substances, such as blood glucose, can vary up to 200%, while certain other substances, such as blood calcium, are constricted to a much narrower range of deviation.
The balance in the blood of acidic and alkaline components can be only moderately altered without creating a very serious physiological instability. Therefore, it is crucial that the body, while controlling degrees of pH in organs, glands and other areas of the body, simultaneously maintain this strict range of balance in the pH of the blood.
The blood is slightly alkaline, with a pH of 7.35 to 7.4. Many of the enzymes that facilitate metabolic reactions operate optimally only in solutions of specific alkalinity. When there is a deviation from this level of alkalinity, whether higher (referred to as alkalosis), or lower (referred to as acidosis), severe malfunctions can occur. These malfunctions are manifested by slower enzymatic reactions, and thus a decrease in synthesis of specialized molecules, such as vitamins, proteins, etc. There is also an impairment of the production of ATP molecules that are needed for energy and are made from glucose.
The major effect of acidosis is disorientation due to the depression of the central nervous system. Inversely, the major effect of alkalosis is extreme nervousness, eventually leading to convulsive reactions, namely tonic spasm. This spasm is referred to as tetany, and usually develops primarily in the musculature of the forearm and face, then spreads over the muscular system of the entire body. Tetany results from over-excitability of the central and peripheral nervous systems due to alkalosis.

Body Maintenance Of Normal pH

The body's major buffer organs are the kidneys and the lungs. If either of these organs is impaired for any reason, or if a diet containing an excess of acid-forming foods is consumed, acidosis may occur. Acidosis is by far more common than alkalosis. An excess of acid-forming foods does not directly result in acidosis, however. Rather, this practice results in overworking the kidneys and lungs and depleting the body's supply of buffer salts. Then the body's ability to neutralize excess acids from acid-forming foods becomes impaired.
In order to maintain a proper pH in the bodily fluids, and so that acidosis or alkalosis will not manifest, three major physiological control systems exist within the body. The first mechanism involves a buffer system for the hydrogen ion fluctuations. All bodily fluids are supplied with acid-base buffers which combine with any acid or alkaline substance and prevent excessive change in the hydrogen ion concentration.
Another mechanism the body uses to maintain normal pH is within the respiratory system. When the hydrogen ion concentration (H + ) changes measurably, the respiratory system is immediately stimulated to alter the rate of pulminary ventilation. This brings about a change in the quantity of carbon dioxide (CO2) within the system. High levels of carbon dioxide in the system, as created when holding the breath or due to physiological impairments of respiration, increase the acidity of the bloodstream. Any disease that interferes with normal breathing, such as emphysema or asthma, will impede the release of CO2 from the lungs and, subsequently, this CO2 will combine with water to form carbonic acid. This increases the concentration of hydrogen ions, and thus the acidity of the blood is simultaneously increased.
The last of the three major physiological control systems of the body to maintain normal pH involves the kidneys. When the (H + ) (hydrogen concentration) deviates from a normal value, the kidneys excrete either an acid or alkaline urine. This serves to help readjust the (H + ) of the bodily fluids back toward the normal value.
The key point to keep in mind when you are trying to understand the terms acidosis and alkalosis is that, as was previously mentioned, when the hydrogen ion concentration (H + ) is above normal, there is a state of acidosis and when the (H + ) falls below normal, we have alkalosis. If either acidosis or alkalosis occur within the bodily fluids, the buffer systems; namely, the lungs and kidneys, the organs that influence the acceptance or excretion of hydrogen ions, will attempt to regulate the imbalance. In a normal, healthy individual, any increase or decrease in (H + ) will be modified so that the pH of the blood does not fluctuate from its normal range of 7.35 to 7.45. If, however, either the lungs or kidneys fail to function properly, the end result is often acidosis or alkalosis.
Acidosis and alkalosis both have numerous causes. As mentioned above, one or more of the body's buffer systems may be impaired in some way. Thus, acidosis or alkalosis may occur. Also, acidosis or alkalosis may result because of improper respiration (breathing), improper diet or both.
An example of respiratory alkalosis is when a person ascends to a very high altitude and proceeds to overbreathe because he is aware of the low oxygen content in the air. This overbreathing results in an excessive loss of CO2, referred to as a mild state of respiratory alkalosis. If such a situation persists and the individual fails to acclimate, eventually the balance of acid and alkalinity in the blood may be altered.
Alkalosis may result from lung or kidney impairment or from overbreathing, but it does not result from consumption of too many alkaline-forming foods, as there is no such thing as too many alkaline-forming foods. These foods are our normal dietary and they always contain a proper balance of base (alkaline) and acid minerals. Alkalosis may occur, however, if antacid preparations are frequently taken.
Both diarrhea and vomiting are considered to be some common causes of metabolic acidosis. During diarrhea, large amounts of sodium bicarbonate, an alkaline substance, are secreted from the gastrointestinal tract; and during vomiting, there is a loss of alkaline substances deep within the gastrointestinal tract.
However, diarrhea and vomiting are processes the body uses to speedily eliminate highly toxic materials from the body so these toxins cannot harm the tissues. Diarrhea and vomiting are not themselves causes of acidosis. Rather, they result from the same offending substance(s) that the acidosis results from.
It is important that you understand that body actions to expel toxic materials (acute illnesses, so-called "infections," fevers, etc.) are not harmful processes. What is harmful is what occasioned the body to perform in such an expedient manner.
The pH balance within the body is a result of the entire physiology of the body working in harmony. So, while this lesson will deal primarily with dietary influences on pH, be aware that you must utilize all areas of Natural Hygiene. This includes not only diet, but also pure water, fasting, exercise, fresh air, sunshine and mental poise. All of these must be integrated to form a lifestyle which can allow the body to carry out its physiological duties as effectively and efficiently as possible.
To sum up what we have discussed in this section, the pH in the blood and tissues is directly related to the concentration of (H + ) within the body. This range and balance of pH in the bodily fluids is quite narrow and delicate. Even slight deviations from these values can lead to major physiological complications. Several mechanisms, as expressed by McNutt's Nutrition and Food Choices, regulate this intricate balance.

1. Excretion or retention of ions by the kidneys.
2. Exhalation or retention of CO2 by the lungs.
3. Metabolic production of acids by the tissues.
4. Concentration of proteins in the blood.

We have already discussed briefly these first two mechanisms. In order to understand the latter two, we must begin our study of dietary influences upon the body's acidity and alkalinity.

Acid And Alkaline In The Diet

When nutritionists talk about acid- or alkaline-forming foods, they are referring to the condition of the food after ingestion. There are many food substances which are acidic in their natural form that become alkaline when broken down within the body.
A physical description of an acidic substance would be "sour or sharp to the taste buds." Litmus paper is a simple means to determine whether a substance is acidic. Acidic substances such as vinegar, lemon juice, grapefruit juice, tomato juice, tea, coffee or sour milk will all turn blue litmus paper red. The red coloration is an indication of the substances acidic characteristics. Alkaline substances, on the other hand, will cause red litmus paper to turn blue. However, when acid and alkaline substances are mixed together, they neutralize each other, forming water and salt.
Generally speaking, the metabolic processes of the breakdown of foods from the vegetable kingdom change in character from acidic to alkaline, while the foods from the animal world change from alkaline to acid during metabolism.
All foods contain within them a combination of both acid-forming and alkaline-forming elements. The particular influence a food will have on pH will be determined simply by which elements are dominant, the acid elements or the alkaline elements. These elements, when broken down, will either release (H+) ions, and thus create an acidic medium, or they will accept and combine with (H+) ions, creating an alkaline medium.
Keep in mind the following basic concepts:

1. Organic matter is taken into the body in the form of food.
2. This organic matter is broken down into simple compounds (monosaccharides, amino acids,
lipids etc).
3. After metabolism, these compounds leave an acidic or alkaline residue in the body.
4. The simple compounds contain elements such as sulphur, potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium. These minerals determine the H+ concentration and thus the acidity or alkalinity of the body.

These elements are either acid-forming elements or alkaline-forming elements. The acid-forming substances are sulphur, phosphorus and chlorine, while the alkaline formers are sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron.
Most proteins contain sulphur, as well as phosphorus, within their chemical structures. When metabolized, these substances are broken down into phosphoric acid and sulphuric acid, which must then be neutralized through various chemical reactions. Another by-product of protein metabolism is uric acid. (Uric acid has been found to have a major influence on the development of arthritis; in particular, gouty arthritis.) Uric acid must be neutralized and excreted from the kidneys. Because of these toxic by-products of protein metabolism (phosphoric, sulphuric and uric acids), and for many other reasons not mentioned here, protein foods, and especially animal products, are acid-forming. Most grains and dairy products, also high in protein, are, like meats acid-forming.
Within the plant kingdom, the organic acids found in fruits and vegetables are metabolized and eventually become carbon dioxide and water. The alkaline elements such as potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium remain. Although many fruits are acidic in nature, when broken down into their constituent elements, the acids are rendered neutral and the alkaline elements are dominant. Therefore, the end result of the organic breakdown and digestion of fruits and vegetables is alkaline in nature.
Since we are constantly supplying acids and alkalies to our bodies through the various foods we eat, it is very important that we consider the balance between these two extremes. If we consume excessive amounts of acid-forming foods, such as animal and dairy products, the body must tap its alkaline reserves (buffer salts) in order to maintain the proper pH. The kidneys, lungs and entire physiology is overworked in the process of excreting the neutralized acids from the body. This strain eventually leads to a depletion of buffer salts and the breakdown in the physiological functions of various organs, including the kidneys. Many different organ malfunctions are referred to as "disease," while the underlying cause, acidosis (due largely to faulty diet), has been overlooked. The point to keep in mind is that any food, drug or condiment that is extremely acidic in nature utilizes alkaline reserves and overworks the various organs. This type of dietary abuse may be tolerated for a period of time, but eventually the body will no longer be capable of handling this overload and will slowly begin to break down.
Following is a reference list categorizing some common foods as being either acidic or alkaline within the body.

* Meat
* Fish
* Cheese
* Eggs
* Grains
* Legumes
* Most nuts

* Vegetables
* Fruits

Foods that are beneficial in maintaining body pH are fruits and vegetables (preferably in their raw form), plus unprocessed nuts and seeds.
Please refer to Composition and Facts About Foods by Ford Heritage for more specific details.

Acute Conditions Involving Acid Alkaline Imbalances

Every year the number of prescriptions written for acid-alkaline imbalances continues to increase. Antiacids, alkalizers, specific digestive enzymes, etc. remain popular as household "remedies" for many acute digestive disorders. The temporary relief experienced by these so-called remedies is interpreted by the majority of sufferers as being a cure for the problem. Nothing could be further from the truth. These drugs work in much the same way as a lazy housecleaner sweeps the dust under the rug; that is, covering up the symptom, but not eliminating the cause.
Our bodies are like the rug in that they will only allow the drugs to cover up the problem for so long. Eventually, these acute digestive disorders will become chronic, resulting in a more difficult condition for the body to deal with. So, what was once simply a minor case of acid indigestion or heartburn becomes a major digestive ailment. The stomach, liver, small and large intestines, kidneys and pancreas can all be seriously impaired, both from consumption of an improper diet and from the use of drugs that cover up an overly-acidic diet and the consequent indigestion.
Almost anyone who has been eating the standard diet of meat, dairy foods and refined and processed foods will suffer in varying degrees from an acid-alkaline imbalance. Add to this fare: alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and condiments, and the percentages will rise even higher.

The Acid-Alkaline Ratio In The Diet

The body will maintain a proper pH balance at all times because it must do so for proper functioning. The organism is designed that way. In order to make the body's job easy—and so expend less energy and have more energy for other activities, the diet should consist of foods that have an appropriate acid- alkaline ratio, at least 80% alkali and not more than 20% acid.
This balance is maintained by the lungs, kidneys and buffer salts. However, to limit the wear and tear on the lungs and kidneys, and so as not to deplete the body's buffer salts, our diet should consist of foods that best match our organism's acid-alkaline ratio. A diet of fresh ripe fruits, along with raw vegetables and nuts and seeds, is optimum. The amount of nuts and seeds in the diet should, of course, be rather small relative to the less concentrated foods—fruits and vegetables. Also, the amount of vegetables should be smaller than the amount of fruits because fruits rovide the calories we need, whereas vegetables do not.
The important point to keep in mind is that the alkaline-forming foods are the most natural and beneficial foods for humans. It is important to understand that even if some people will not completely adhere to a totally Hygienic regime, any improvement in the acid-alkaline ratio will be an improvement of their well-being.


From "Lesson 12 – The Role Of Acid And Alkaline Substances Within The Body” of the book "Life Science Health System" by T.C.Fry, hosted at